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How can someone retrieve his/her taxpayer ID if forgotten?

How can someone retrieve his/her taxpayer ID if forgotten?

If an individual who already pays taxes loses the taxpayer ID or forgets the ID number. How can it be retrieved? This is a question asked recently by finance people. You can use one of the below three ways to retrieve your tax ID. Before that let's explain some information you should know.

What's meant by Taxpayer ID

This is a verification number and identity that proves that an individual or organization is paying taxes in a particular country. With it, taxpayers' tax records can be traced. The ID number can be used in various ways. For example, the ID can be used to receive a tax clearance certificate from the relevant tax authority and your taxes are paid after four years. Also, it is requested by government ministries, departments, and agencies when you apply for a contract and you're yet to have a tax clearance certificate. 

How to retrieve taxpayer ID

If you misplaced your taxpayer ID, then don't worry much. You can retrieve it by following one of the below three options.

1. Ask your HR manager if annual returns have been filed on your behalf in the past. If so, you can request your tax ID from your human resource management. 

2. Check your past emails. If you have access to the email you use in registering for taxpayers ID, notification will be sent to you for the months PAYE (Pay as you earn) was filed on your behalf. The ID should be part of the email sent to you.

3. Thirdly, contact the help desk of your relevant tax authority either in person or via their website. If you live in Lagos, simply go to this website link here: to retrieve your ID for taxation.

If there are other ways to retrieve the tax ID that are not stated here, please let us know in the comment section. This can help a neighbor.

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