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Top 8 smart business objectives you should know

Top 8 smart business objectives you should know

Below we discussed the top 8 business objectives. If you're a business owner or aspiring to be one, then understanding this objective will help your business to set goals and objectives that are SMART.

1. What's business objectives

Business objectives are the goals and aims a business wants to achieve. It can also be referred to as those specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound goals pursued strategically by a business owner. Generally, business owners, shareholders, and management focused on profit as their primary objective of operating a business. 

It is popularly said that while private sector entities focus on profitability, public sector business enterprises focus on providing social services. However, when you look intently you will notice that all businesses are formed to solve problems. A business that sells groceries intends to satisfy people who need to meet their most important needs, food. Schools are formed to educate students, while banks are established to encourage savings and provide loans to those with deficit funds.

2. Eight (8) business objectives explained

2.1 Profit

The primary objective for establishing business is profit. Profit is what keeps businesses for a long time. Even when a business can maintain a cash flow, without earning profit the business may not be sustainable in the long run. More so, profit serves as a measurement basis to know the progress of the entity.

2.2 Market share

Another objective of many businesses is to gain market share. With globalization and entrepreneurs building born global firms, the business objectives have grown beyond earning profit. Startup firms are now pushing for internationalization from inception. Thereby gaining market share globally from their locality.

2.3 Shareholders wealth maximization

Shareholders are the owners of the entity, therefore, satisfying their needs is very important. They provide the funds used to start and operate the entity and bear the risk involved in owning a business. Therefore, they are expected to earn dividends and other packages such as right issue and bonus shares.

2.4 Employees satisfaction

A good top management team knows the importance of employees and will ensure their satisfaction. Companies can make employee satisfaction one of their secondary objectives. Therefore, aside from paying a salary at the right time, they can provide other benefits such as career growth through training and other benefits and bonuses to motivate sincere employees to carry out their duties properly. 

2.5 Productivity 

Businesses are established to be productive. Entities do not employ workers, machines, and other resources for them to stay idle. Productivity entails ensuring that costs are low while increasing output. 

2.6 Innovation 

With fast space technology development, only entities that have an objective for innovation can continue in business. Therefore, as an entrepreneur you should be willing to adapt new technology as they affect the industry your business belongs to, in order to remain relevant.

2.7 Promoting public image

Maintaining a positive public image Is necessary for all business organizations. Therefore, companies make it their goal to promote a good image of their company through various means. Such as sponsorship of programs and events, social media posts, and so on.

2.8 Benefit Stakeholders

Stakeholders such as the government have interest in the business. Therefore, business owners should have an objective that will benefit stakeholders. For example, tax authorities expect businesses to pay taxes. Failure to do so can attract penalties and fines from the relevant tax authority. 

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